
capitalism, a love story

finanlly, i got one day off after finished several assessments. and last week, i got the result of my last MKX 9550's presentation, i got D. i was happy with that. also, in last week, i had AFF 5130 presenation, a group presentation. our company is called EBET, a small company which engaged in gambling. and the topic is acquisation. we needed choose a company to acquire EBET, and we choose Crown. but the tutorial said, the reasion why Crwon should acquire EBET is not very strong and direct. but i really did not buy it. but what should i say, nothing. maybe i did not enough research. another presenation was conducted yesterday, AFF 5100. also a group presentation, but i rarely involved in it, because my major duty of the group assessment is the assignment, but not the presentation. in the presentation is case stuedy- ABC learning. after reading the related material, i am so surprise that this company still operates in Australia. but maybe under new management. the Australian government bailout the company, but i do not know what happen now.ABC learning also operates in some areas in VIC, but just in some countryside, such as Gelong, not in Melbourne.
i watch a movie tonight, called "capitalish, a love story". i downloaded last month, but i did not have time to watch it before. it is really a long film, about 2 hours. i do not know why it called a love story. there is no scense about love. i think it is a documentory. generally, it talked about the stuff about capitalism. to be honest, i do not know what is capitalism, and what is socialism. in the movie, it calls Obarma is a socialism leader. in the first half of the movie, it stated several stories about American families. their houses is taken by the banks. and the second half of the movie, it generally about the subprime. and some subsequent events of the financial crisis. i do not know the story or the statements in the film is true or not, but it really impressed. such as the big companies- P & G, bank of Amercia and so on, buys the life insurece for their employees, but the beneficiary is not the employees' relatives, but the companies. so when the employee is dead, the companies can make profit through that. that is really terriable thing. the director of the film also think that the US government should not give the banks that much money, say 70 billion money, to help the banks pull through the financial crisis. but actually, the government did not know how banks spend that huge funds. the 70 billion dollars are from the taxpayer's pocket. also, the director thinks that free market is basical wrong thing. well, i do not think it in the same way. but it is really a hard thing for the government to find out the break-even point of the control and freedom of the market.
same days ago, there was an accident in Iceland- volcanic eruption. it affected the airline industry a lot. it lots a lot of money, around 1 billion US dollar. really a lot. what's wrong with the earth. so many tragedies.
today, i receive the letter from CPA, it states that i pass the migration assessment. well, i hope everything goes well.


  1. Hi there, Im a monash student as well, and im planning to take MKX9550 in the coming semester, just wondering is it hard? Is the lecturer generous about marks? thanks!!

  2. not too hard, but the assignment's marks will not be too high...
