
about Monash (1)

many students choose Monash as their undergraduate or postgraduate school, so am i.
but the reason for i choose Monash is very simple. in a simple way, there are only two reasons.
first one. about the major. i learned accounting in VU for bachelor degree. and i really did not want chance the major when i study for the master degree. the reason is simple too, that is i am lazy. many friends of my choose study Financial in their master degree, but for me, financial is a totally new subject. if i studied it, all the knowledge was new for me, i shold study hard, cause i know nothing about the financial. but if i chose accouting, some knowledge already fimilar for me. maybe sometimes i do not need work so hard. so i chose not change the major for the master degree. of course, all the above is what i thoght before i entered Moansh for master degree.
second one, about school. i did not want to change the major, that is to say i still study accouting in the master. so i need choose a school which famous on its business department. of course, in Aus, there is Group Eight. so what i need is just pick one up from these eight schools. and i don't like change the place. i live in Melbourne for two years, and i do not want change. OK, from thses, you can figure that i am a person who do not like changing. yes, that me. and back for the topic. there are two shools on Group Eight, one is Monash and the other is Melbourne Uni. but Melbourne is famous for other subjects but not accounting, at least i think.LOL. and Mel Uni's tuition fee is very very high. in contract, fee's of Monash is very high...Monash's business department is very famous, so finanly, i chose Monash.
and about the first semester life in Monash, i will write about it in the next article.


  1. 嗨~我家是沈阳的,今年刚刚毕业,在太傻上看到你的帖子,于是翻墙出来看看你的日志,还挺有意思的,虽然只是记录你平常的一些感想,但我想这些生活点滴累加起来才是原汁原味的生活吧,呵呵,总之一个人在外肯定是不容易的,祝你一切顺利吧! 加油~

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