
who will win the election 2010 of Australia

well, the election was held yesterday, but no result comes out so far. according to Yahoo 7, Labor has 72 seats, and liberal has71 seats, no single party hold more than 76 seats, so maybe a hung parliament will come out. and I hear that the Green Party perfoms well in this election.

well, again, i have no vote rights, but i think election is an interesting, at least, the citizens have a chance to choose the leader by themself. according to the Chinese law, i do have a vote right in China, well, i do not know how to use, when to use it. what a pity.

A hung parliament will never in China, because CPC is the only majority party in China...and there is a communist party in Australia too, its website is http://www.cpa.org.au/ Oh~~CPA again~~different meaning
also, there is a sex party in Australia, i do not know, it is called Sex Party, maybe all the members in that party is sexy? just kiding~ i do not know~
i hear that, there is a party which about hunting and fishing...well, sounds interesting, but i am not interesting both of them...

well, maybe a fews days later, the result will come out, and let's wait and see.
but i hear that both of Julia and Tony will tighten the immigration laws, well, who knows~

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